Europe - Asia - South America - Africa - Australia
London - Dublin - Paris - Marseille - Nice - Monaco - Geneva - Zurich - Basel - Madrid - Valencia - Barcelona - Lisbon - Gibraltar - Brussels - Amsterdam - The Hague - Meppel - Milan - Rome - Torino - Hong Kong Shenzhen - Beijing - Shanghai - Wuchi - Sidney - Perth - Pretoria - Cape Town - Argelia - Lusaka - Istanbul Ankara - Athens - Guadalajara - Buenos Aires - Bogota - Lima - Caracas - Brasilia - Rio de Janeiro
Bluegrace Holdings is a consortium of multidisciplinary companies
Bluegrace Holdings is built on the common principles of:
Professional expertise
The creation of real value for both, business and society
Bluegrace Holdings is divided into nine divisions operating on five continents with common management based in London, United Kingdom.
Through our many divisions, keep our clients on the cutting edge of innovation everywhere in the world.
Bluegrace Holdings is managed in semi-autonomous divisions, each with its own C level executives who answer directly to the Group CEO.
The Board establishes policy and goals for the group which are then delegated and implemented by the Executives
We have formed a number of strategic partnerships in order to maximize our resources and take advantage of a diverse and established pool of knowledge
The common thread in every Bluegrace partner company is our commitment to responsible business growth through:
enhancement of the local community
integration with the natural environment
social and ecological sustainability
as equally important goals
Our Guiding Principles
We are investors, designers, implementers
We take well founded risks, make big bets, and move with urgency
We are humble and mindful in our actions and words
We seek and heed counsel of experienced local professionals
We deliver results as promised and when promised
We demand ethical behavior of all within our Group
We treat each other and all our partners as equally valued colleagues
We covet and nurture a spirit of innovation
BLUEGRACE HOLDINGS seeks to be a world leader in the development of innovative, ethical, and morally responsible business practices for this and future generations.
We employ devoted, highly educated and skilled individuals who are empowered to move projects forward with minimal administrative oversight.
We apply a transparent business model fully informing our partners in all aspects of any project to assure a complete meeting of the minds before we finalize any commitments. We seek long term relationships with partners who share our vision, values and goals.
The quality of our business practice is the foundation of our success. We use advanced tools and techniques to track all of our projects to ensure that we deliver strong strategies and solutions. We
do not take lightly our commitments - they form the very cornerstone of our business.
We are investors, designers, implementers
We take well founded risks, make big bets, and move with urgency
We are humble and mindful in our actions and words
We seek and heed counsel of experienced local professionals
We deliver results as promised and when promised
We demand ethical behavior of all within our Group
We treat each other and all our partners as equally valued colleagues
We covet and nurture a spirit of innovation
The common thread in every Bluegrace partner company is our commitment to responsible business growth through:
enhancement of the local community
integration with the natural environment
social and ecological sustainability
as equally important goals
Bluegrace Holdings is managed in semi-autonomous divisions, each with its own C level executives who answer directly to the Group CEO.
The Board establishes policy and goals for the group which are then delegated and implemented by the Executives
We have formed a number of strategic partnerships in order to maximize our resources and take advantage of a diverse and established pool of knowledge
BLUEGRACE HOLDINGS seeks to be a world leader in the development of innovative, ethical, and morally responsible business practices for this and future generations.
We apply a transparent business model fully informing our partners in all aspects of any project to assure a complete meeting of the minds before we finalize any commitments. We seek long term relationships with partners who share our vision, values and goals.
The quality of our business practice is the foundation of our success. We use advanced tools and techniques to track all of our projects to ensure that we deliver strong strategies and solutions. We
do not take lightly our commitments - they form the very cornerstone of our business.