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While the Paris Agreement on climate change requires that all public and private finance investment flows be aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), there are some constituencies that are “far from the radar” and hence unreached by private finance, ie. such as least developed countries, small-developing islands and in general vulnerable communities.


Thanks to our broad network, Bluegrace Environment and Bluegrace Energy reach those places, avoiding that developing countries and regions are saddled with unsustainable levels of debt, and forced to make impossible trade-offs to the detriment of their people and our planet.


Sustainable solutions are available now and Bluegrace is leading the way, treating biohazards, eliminating waste, reclaiming forests and purifying water sources.


​We have developed a corporate ethos that is sympathetic to nature, and driven by our desire to protect and honor the Earth.


By following this philosophy, we hope to set an example for our clients, competitors and the world workforce in general while hopefully laying the foundation for more environmentally conscious generations to follow.


Our team members have years of multidisciplinary experience leading innovative projects in the fields of carbon capture and energy transition to a model “fit for the challenges of the 21st century.


Acknowledging that the key components of clean energy technology require minerals, we currently cover mining operations

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ENOIL S.A. is a Swiss biotechnology and renewable energy company, headquartered in Geneva. Our main areas of business are the production of renewable energy, the development of biotechnologies, of renewable technology and development of raw materials for the renewable energy, food, pharma and cosmetics industries. In addition, we also market bioproducts, bio commodities and renewable energy products.


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